Синглтреки во Французских Альпах (СанФуа, ЛеэАрк) - 21.08.-08.09.10 - Страница 4
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Тема: Синглтреки во Французских Альпах (СанФуа, ЛеэАрк) - 21.08.-08.09.10

  1. #31
    Синглтреки - наше все! Аватар для e-Leonid
    LV 601, LV 301+Paradox Kinetics, Specialized Camber Expert, Merida Scultura Team

    По умолчанию

    окей! кажется, уже собирается команда человек двадцать!

  2. #32
    Ромашковский маньяк Аватар для mikov
    Focus Black Forest 29er 1.0 Custom

    По умолчанию

    Цитата Сообщение от e-Leonid Посмотреть сообщение
    собирается команда человек двадцать!
    ...что не может не беспокоить

  3. #33
    Синглтреки - наше все! Аватар для e-Leonid
    LV 601, LV 301+Paradox Kinetics, Specialized Camber Expert, Merida Scultura Team

    По умолчанию

    для тех, кто владеет мовой (Petr, я тебе потом переведу ) - новости о курорте Сан-Фуа, подведении итогов этого сезона и будущем - летнем и зимним.

    если коротко -будет еще больше места в апартах и новых трейлов!

    вострим лыжи и колеса!

    [FONT=Arial]Hello All, [/FONT] [FONT=Arial] [/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]Summer 2011 has come to an end after 15 weeks of non-stop mountain-biking. It's been another awesome season, with loads of great people to ride with, adding some great new trails to our repertoire and basking in plenty of hot, Alpine sunshine (except for the middle of July, of which we shall not speak!). We're barely into October and we've already had two snowfalls down to chalet level. As nice as it looks, it's not likely to stick around just yet, but it's a good reminder that it's time to start thinking snow. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial] [/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]Winter Availability [/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]Chalet TinTin is filling-up pretty quickly – we’re already sold-out for New Year, half-term and most of February. We do still have space for Christmas though - see below. Spaces in between have been disappearing pretty quickly too, so get in touch soon if you’re keen to book! Chalet Bazilhote is also already booked-up for the main holiday periods, but does have space at Christmas too. See here for full availability for all our properties: http://www.whiteroomchalet.com/winprices.htm[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]Christmas Special Offer - kids go half-price![/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial] Sainte Foy is a great place to spend Christmas - no crowds and a great atmosphere. The [/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT][FONT=Arial]r[/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT][FONT=Arial]esort mak[/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT][FONT=Arial]es a big effort, with all sorts of Christmas celebrations including carol singing, mulled-wine out on the deck and the [/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT][FONT=Arial]Chr[/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT][FONT=Arial]istmas Eve arrival of Santa on his sleigh, pulled by husky dogs! We love it too, and really go to town in the chalet with our C[/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT][FONT=Arial]hri[/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT][FONT=Arial]st[/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT][FONT=Arial]mas tree, decorations and monster Christmas dinner.[/FONT][FONT=Arial]For a limited time only, we're offering an extra discount on kids' places at Christmas in Chalet TinTin (21st-28th December). Our usual 25% discount for kids under 13 will be increased to 50% and we're [/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT][FONT=Arial]offerin[/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT][FONT=Arial]g a 25% discount for teenagers aged 13-[/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT][FONT=Arial]18. This offer is valid up until the end of October.
    [FONT=Arial] [/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial] [/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]New Property for this winter - Apartment Fogliettaz[/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT][FONT=Arial] [/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]For this winter, we're going to be running Apartment Fogliettaz (self-catered). This is really exciting for us as it's [/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT][FONT=Arial]a[/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT][FONT=Arial] little differen[/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT][FONT=Arial]t to our other properties in that it's a modern apartment located right in the centre of the resort. It's a large, well-equipped 3-b[/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT][FONT=Arial]e[/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT][FONT=Arial]droom apartment which sleeps up to 7 guests. Great for a big family or for a group of mates. About 50m walk to the base of the lifts and couldn't be closer to the bars, shops & restaurants. For more details, see www.whiteroomchalet.com/win_accom_fogliettaz.htm. [/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial] [/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]Off-Piste ski & snowboard week - expanded for 2012

    [FONT=Arial]After the big success of last year's inaugural White Room backcountry week, we've [/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT][FONT=Arial]decided to expa[/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT][FONT=Arial]nd it for winter 2012. We've increased the capacity of the week to 12 skiers/snowboarders and will be using 2 guides. This will allow us to split the group into 2 depending on riding levels or just to give a choice of different routes on any given day. [/FONT][FONT=Arial]The big news is that the second guide for the week will be top-class snowboarder Neil McNair. Neil is BASI's top snowboard trainer (he's the guy who trains other instructors) and is also part of BASI's demo team, going to internation[/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT][FONT=Arial]a[/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT][FONT=Arial]l[/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT][FONT=Arial] meetings to demonstrate all that's best in British snowboarding. Having worked with Neil on my own snowboard instructor trai[/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT][FONT=Arial]ning, he's a fantastic coach and great at getting the best out of people, so we're really excited about having him involved.[/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial] [/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial] Combined with the local knowledge, humour and [/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT][FONT=Arial]excellent ski (and snowboard) skills of local Sainte Foy instructor Alex Rippe, we reckon it's a really strong guiding team and should make for a brilliant week. As before, the format of the week will be to use Sainte Foy as a base, with a warm-up day here and then 5 days of guided backcountry riding around the valley, going wherever the snow is best. This wi[/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT][FONT=Arial]ll be backed-up with great food and drink in Chalet TinTin, support from 2 mini-buses to get us around and an avalanche safety training session from Stevo. The backcountry week will run from Saturday 22nd January and will be priced at £829. See http://www.whiteroomchalet.com/win_backcountry_weeks.htm for more details.[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial] [/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]In-house instruction?[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]As we mentioned in our Spring newsletter, Stevo has passed his BASI level 2 snowboard instructor exams. We've finally got all the paperwork through from the British side of things (including a shiny "Instructor" badge, woohoo!) and we're now speaking to the French powers-that-be to see if he might be able to do some teaching this winter. This would be through the ESF, wearing a nice, red uniform! More on this later if we're able to make it happen. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial] [/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]Sainte Foy Resort News[/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]For this winter, there has been further development of the snowmaking system, with new cannons in place to cover more runs. Hopefully, the law of averages will mean a reversal of the incredibly dry conditions of last year and we'll have a bumper season with no need for snowmaking, but it's nice to know it's there just in case! [/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial] [/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]The new development block out beyond the ESF is also coming on apace and is expected to be at least partially up and running for this winter. The new block will include 3 new commercial spaces and these are expected to include a new restaurant run by the team from Le Monal hotel, a new ski shop and a deli selling local produce. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial] [/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]The biggest news though, is that the operation of the resort has been put out to tender and will now be run by a commercial operator instead of by the commune (although the commune will still own the resort and facilities). We reckon this is pretty good news as the company involved has a good reputation for running smaller resorts like Sainte Foy and making investments for both winter and summer. We're not expecting any big changes for this winter, but there have been some positive murmurings already, including the possiblity of a freestyle park for the first time.
    [FONT=Arial] [/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]Summer 2011 re-cap[/FONT][FONT=Arial][/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]Summer 2011 stepped it up again from last year, with even more riders joining us in Sainte Foy. [/FONT][FONT=Arial]This was our fourth season and many people have come out to ride with us two, three or even four times, so we put a big effort in over Spring to make sure we had plenty of new trails to offer and it really paid-off, with some great new riding days and some new twists on some old ones. [/FONT][FONT=Arial]We have more ideas to check out before next year and will also be offering some different "themed" riding weeks. We’re taking a bit of time again after the end of the season to finalise our dates and prices for next year so expect a further update very soon. Massive thanks again to Mans, Amy, Tom and Yvan for all their hard work and thanks as well to everyone who came out to ride our trails with us. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial] [/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]We just can't get enough, so we're off for a wee mountain-bike holiday in the French and Spanish Pyrenees. When we get back, we're going to be doing some work in Chalet TinTin to freshen things up for this winter. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial] [/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]Can't wait to see lots of you again and meet some new faces too - winter 2012 is going to be epic, bring it on!
    [FONT=Arial] [/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]Cheers, [/FONT]

    [FONT=Arial]Stevo & Iona
    [FONT=Arial]Tel. +33 6 73 23 91 85[/FONT]

  4. #34
    Синглтреки - наше все! Аватар для e-Leonid
    LV 601, LV 301+Paradox Kinetics, Specialized Camber Expert, Merida Scultura Team

    По умолчанию

    еду опять на две недели в августе на свою альпийскую базу в сан-фуа!

    в этом году чето все места расхватали уже, поэтому никого не зову, поздно.
    даже некоторые знакомые не успели забронировать...

    популярность, видимо, растет. а предложение ограничено

    расскажу о впечатлениях

  5. #35
    Синглтреки - наше все! Аватар для e-Leonid
    LV 601, LV 301+Paradox Kinetics, Specialized Camber Expert, Merida Scultura Team

    По умолчанию

    Hi All,
    Winter is over again and we've finally put to bed one of the most incredible seasons in recent years. Extremes of every kind, with a completely dry November being followed by near-record snowfalls in December and January, then one of the longest and harshest cold spells we've ever experienced in February. March was mild and sunny, with some great Spring conditions before April brought winter back, finishing the season the way it started. Closing day at Sainte Foy was incredible, with over 40cm of cold, fresh snow giving one of our best day's riding in a long time. Stevo stretched the season out as far as it would go, still snowboarding well into May, but it's now hot and sunny, the bikes are out and we've been out riding and exploring new trails. Big thanks to Pop, Peter, Terry, Robyn & Terry for helping us make it another great winter. The photo on the right of our friend Niall just about sums up an epic season. We have loads of news for you, so I'll stop reminiscing about the powder and get on with it.
    New website launch

    A whole new version of www.whiteroomchalet.com went live just last night. It's been a lot of work, but we're really pleased with the new look. Thanks a lot to Steve Milne, Matt Parsons at Button Web-Design and many others for graphic design input, help, advice and beta-testing.

    Summer 2012

    White Room News - new chalet, new vans and limited space left

    First things first, summer 2012 season is now only 2 weeks away. We've been completely blown-away by the the demand for mountain-bike holidays this year, with many weeks sold-out as far back as January! This has meant that it's been really difficult for us to schedule-in some of our specialist weeks such as the Alpine First-timers' Coaching weeks, but you can be sure these will be back in the future.
    Big news is that we'll be moving to a new chalet this summer. It is just down the road from the old one and should be a big change for the better - more space, all en-suite rooms, sauna and better bike-storage.
    We have a new chalet team this summer (James & Mel will be cooking and hosting), but we've stuck with our policy of only working with really experienced chefs and we're really looking forward to another summer of fantastic food. Main guides this summer will be Stevo and Yvan (who is currently warming up for the season with 3 weeks in Whistler and the North Shore!) and Iona will be combining guiding and driving.
    We've just bought our own house in the valley and have a big renovation project to manage, so all weeks this summer will be limited to a maximum of 8 riders in order to keep our lives a little bit sensible. Combining that with the huge rush of early bookings means we have very little space leftfor this season, although a few late changes have opened up one or two more slots recently. Full details at www.whiteroomchalet.com/sumprices.htm but in summary there is space remaining for the weeks of 9th June (3), 23rd June (3), 21st July (3), 28th July (1), 11th August (2) and 18th August (3). All September backcountry weeks also still have a few spaces left.
    We have, as always, been out exploring new trails over the Spring and last autumn. Stevo has been finding lots of cliffs and whole oceans of nettles recently, but also some cracking new trails. We've been focussing our efforts slightly on trails a little further down the valley as the massive snowfall this winter means there is still a lot of snow around at altitude and we want to make sure we have plenty of options for the early-season weeks.
    Finally, our faithful and much-abused minibus lost anargument with a snow-plough over the winter. We've invested in a 9-seat Landrover Defender which should reduce the amount of climbing required on our backcountry weeks and also open-up some new trails which have previously been too remote to consider. We'll also be picking up a new minibus in time for the start of the season.

    MTB World Cup comes to the Tarentaise

    For the weekend of 28th/29th July, the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup is coming to Val d'Isere. It will be a triple-header event featuring Downhill, Four-Cross and Cross-Country. A world-cup round is an amazing spectacle, we've been to see the Scottish round at Fort William in the past and can't wait to have it on our doorstep this summer. We'll be making plans for that weekend to give people the chance to go and see some of the racing, although if you'd rather just ride, we can totally understand that too! Mountain Biking in Val d'Isere has come from nowhere to hosting a World Cup round in the past couple of years, and we're hoping this is going to mean new investment in trails and facilities up there. This will be the final round of the DH season and is likely to see the top riders pushing it to the limit to decide the overall championship.
    Hire Bikes

    For this summer, we're going to be offering our own hire bikes once again. Bikes this summer will be the awesome Orange Alpine 160. We have kept the rental price down to £149 per week which starts to look pretty similar to the cost of buying a bike bag, then flying your own steed back and forward. If you're not sure your bike is up to a week in the Alps, maybe you should just ride one of ours? Availability will be very limited, so contact us early if you do want to hire.
    Winter 2013

    Next winter is going to see some really big changes for us. Firstly, we're moving out of Chalet TinTin. We're a little emotional about this as we love the quirky charm of the chalet and our business was born and has grown there over the last 5 years, but the owner is keen to sell it and we've decided it's best to move on. So, bye-bye TinTin and thanks for all the memories!
    In Chalet Bazilhote, Peter & Terry have decided to take a well-earned break from their frantic record of 18 Alpine/Aussie seasons back-to-back. Massive thanks to them and a hard act to follow! Peter has established a reputation for fantastic food in Chalet Bazilhote and we have every intention of keeping that up. We'll be choosing our chef for next winter very carefully to make sure the cuisine remains a little bit special.

    So, lots of big changes ahead, but all good we hope and we're looking forward to another great summer season of mountain biking and another winter to come!


    Stevo & Iona

    ---------- Добавлено в 23:00 ---------- Предыдущее сообщение было в 22:54 ----------

    Это новости с курорта-нас отвезут 28-го / 29-го июля кубок мира в вальдизере, у нас новый транспорт - дефендер, чтобы забрасываться в более интересные места, новое, более просторное шале, ну и все в таком духе

  6. #36

  7. #37
    Синглтреки - наше все! Аватар для e-Leonid
    LV 601, LV 301+Paradox Kinetics, Specialized Camber Expert, Merida Scultura Team

    По умолчанию

    Я с 28 июля по 11 августа.

  8. #38
    Синглтреки - наше все! Аватар для e-Leonid
    LV 601, LV 301+Paradox Kinetics, Specialized Camber Expert, Merida Scultura Team

    По умолчанию

    Немного обновил байк к поездке: хаммершмидт, руль атлас фр 780 мм,проапгрейдил реверб, резина, естессно,минионы.

    Ну да, вес немножечко зашкалил за норму АМ

    Вложение 117990Вложение 117992
    Последний раз редактировалось e-Leonid; 22.07.2012 в 19:56.

  9. #39

    По умолчанию

    Цитата Сообщение от e-Leonid Посмотреть сообщение
    Немного обновил байк к поездке: хаммершмидт, руль атлас фр 780 мм,проапгрейдил реверб, резина, естессно,минионы.
    Ну да, вес немножечко зашкалил за норму АМ
    фух, ну и напугал - сперва показалось 11.250 )))
    миньоны бескамерные или по-взрослому бутиловые с камерами?

  10. #40
    Синглтреки - наше все! Аватар для e-Leonid
    LV 601, LV 301+Paradox Kinetics, Specialized Camber Expert, Merida Scultura Team

    По умолчанию

    оба миньона - 2.5
    зад - бескамерный, а перед, стыдно сказать - гетто тюблес (двойные стенки на проволоке, но без камеры, на ободе 5.1, конвертированном лентой, и с герметиком).

    не могу описать, как не хотелось снимать спереди фэт альберт, который в юст версии в два раза легче

    ---------- Добавлено 06.08.2012 в 18:52 ---------- Предыдущее сообщение 23.07.2012 было в 14:51 ----------

    Итак, пошла вторая неделя катания. Все как обычно, прикольно, хорошее сочетание естественных синглтреков с катанием в байк-парках: Tignes, Les Arcs, Thuille, в этом году добавили Pila в Италии. Похоже на Thuille, но спуски подлиннее и покруче. В байк парках довольно пыльно, если нет дождя. И тормозные бугры, конечно. На синглтреках чище, и нет народу.

    В горах, если жарко (около 30), частенько бывают грозы по ночам. Здесь, что хорошо, очень быстро сохнет грунт, он не глинистый, как в Морзине и Моржан в Швейцарии, а каменистый, и уже черех час все более-менее сухо. Но вчера были три грозы в течение дня, мы прскочили между ними, но сегодня дождь зарядил с утра до четырех дня, ришлось кататься под дождем. Стремно на корнях и камнях, но весело.

    Правда, вскрыл икру маленько педалями,Вложение 120513 но не убирался ни разу а мокром. кстати, у них есть специальные наклеечки типа искусственных швов, стягиваешь разрез, и он быстрее срастается.

    Номад зачехлен, задний треугольник неожиданно лопнул на ровном месте в районе дропаута. Катаюсь на прокатном Orange Alpine 160 за 180 евро в неделю, большинство навески переставил, прокатное говно не так удобно (тормоза, руль, педали, пер. Колесо). Но вилка марзока 55 неплоха, и задний аморт дшх 4.0 с титановой пружиной тоже. Жалко, реверб не воткнуть, диаметр маловат. В общем, байк очень живой и активный.

    Бродят мысли, всетаки купить на следующий год настоящий фр байк с двухкоронкой для альпов. Вес, один черт, почти одинаковый с номадом (он у меня 17,2 кг сейчас), а в руки все-таки меньше будет прилетать.
    Ну, или на крайняк, воткнуть вилку на 180 ( в идеале марзоку 66 ево рс3 ти).

    Кстати, камерный минион сел идеально на 5.1., вообще безвопросов.
    Последний раз редактировалось e-Leonid; 06.08.2012 в 19:07.

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